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tv   KRON 4 News at 530pm  KRON  August 11, 2020 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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person who really understands or policy in a very obvious way she serves on the intelligence committee of course and this year a committee and she's the right woman for the right time so i'm so excited this morning as he was born in okay soco shortly as you know the progressives in the democratic party or not had on kamala harris. they have not been supporters of hers. you are a progressive. >>at a time when every vote's going to count are they going to come on board. >>you know i was the first member of congress to endorse senator here in she ran for president i and i'm confident that progressives are going to fight very hard for the right here is take when you look at the platform has served on the drafting committee for our democratic party platform and the fight and die and already people got together. they presented compromises and consensus provisions for the platform which were accepted
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by the platform and so you know it's a 100% in the platform, but i think when you look at the hard part is a progressive platform and that is for the president and vice president of will and grace. progressive slate in a very heavily on the trump campaign is going to paint her as a liberal is already doing so a liberal san francisco bay >>liberal the homelessness issue the sanctuary city issue all of those things are going to come up as it pertains to her how well she and the party deal with that. >>well the freezing the trump administration is not paid a woman first of all in a i believe you know negative light that's the first thing so we have to recognize with who they are what they do and i believe that trust you will campaign on their record and experience and what they want to do for the country and so
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all the noise is going to a okay this campaign is going to be made and we know this top administration we look and the agenda when you look at the partnership mister biden and senator harris i this is the team. it's going to not only begin to dig us out from these the hose which the trump administration has put us in but actually the 4th their agenda is going to help regain so little bear and real happy very focused and register to vote and vote real quickly we're out of time but one last % question many say the. >>a black women are the backbone of the democratic how do you see them. the black women in the democratic party responding and in terms of turnout in light of all this going on with voter suppression right now. >>have been the backbone of the democratic forever and now i do it they see as a man i talked to me today that this has the excitement is just going to redouble our efforts to make sure that this is a
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ticket when but also remember shirley chisholm the first african-american woman elected congress also the first black woman to run for the presidency, so kamala harris is taking back the time from shirley chisholm and runs for and going to be our vice president is a black women women of color women that our is is hopeful today and is hopeful because we going to have a fine hairs team in the white house if we do our work begin right now. >>congresswoman barbara lee from the east bay, thank you so much for your reaction today is thank you nice being with you. california senator kamala harris is joe biden's vice presidential pick might really seem ironic to a lot of people considering their clash in the early democratic presidential debates. but political alliances are often surprising and the 2 actually likely have much more in common than not put together this closer look at senator harris. >>i stand before you today. to announce my candidacy.
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>>20,000 people come out to oakland to launch the presidential campaign of kamala harris in the moment that i heard speak she inspired me commoners is incredibly intelligent person in that deep character and about around care for we the people early on she was considered among the front-runners that i will support and defend not surprising for someone who has had a string of political victories in her home state harris's father is to make an american she was raised in the east bay by her indian american mother a cancer researcher she graduated you see hey things law school was an alameda county assistant d a assistant da in san francisco then elected to 2 terms as dia and the city starting in 2003. harris and her only sibling and sister maya are extremely close as children their mother expose them to activism and rallies and community which is why in
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this campaign video she passionately credits her mother's courage as her driving floors fact that my mother never asked anyone permission. >>to tell her what was possible. is live within one generation i stand here as the serious candidate for president of the united states. >>as district attorney ernie she was tougher on crime that her predecessor while popular she did hit some snags a drug scandal at the county crime lab. the murder of a man in witness protection and her refusal to seek the death penalty in the killing of san francisco police officer isaac espinosa. she decided to run for state attorney general was elected in 2010 and immediately started to pick up some national buzz. >>the work that. if elected i will be able to do as attorney general of the state of california. i think can very much be work that would be in
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tandem last when we goals of president elect obama as the issue of same marriage was taking off she refused to defend the prop 8 ban. >>and when the final court ruling came down she performed the vows in the first couple in san francisco. i now declare you spouses for life. as a g surprisingly she went against to the obama administration's deal with the banks on the national mortgage debacle demanded a larger chunk of money for california homeowners and got it. >>it is going to allow people to stay in their homes. >>the obama administration kept an eye on state attorney general harris, her name had been mentioned for possible positions as u.s. attorney general or even supreme court justice after the sudden death of antonin scalia. she declined interest in both and while a g and 2014 her close knit family expanded she married los angeles attorney
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douglas am hoff. she has made a lot of noise as california's junior senator on the high-profile judiciary and intelligence committees she has stood out in hearings using her skills as a prosecutor attorney general barr has the president or anyone at the white house ever asked or suggested that you open an investigation of anyone. >>i wouldn't i wouldn't. yes santa. trick could you repeat that question i would put it in a chamber dominated by republicans he has helped lead the fight for national police reform and the federal anti-lynching bill they're not marching in the streets for water down proposals been vocal on the need for more relief and critical of the white house handling of covid-19 i think there's been a other vacuum of leadership out of this white house and supported impeachment of president trump i am in favor of beginning impeachment proceedings and the reason is that you know i've read the
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mueller report there is clearly outlined at least 10 cases of obstruction of justice in her run for the white house she famously hit hard at joe biden for working with segregation is when it came to busing. >>do you agree today. that you were wrong to oppose busing in america later she said of biden i think i think very highly joe biden i think a great deal of him i think he's been an incredible public servant i think he was an incredible vice president. >>she admits she never convinced the bernie sanders progressives in her party to support her there are some people who just believe that prosecutors shouldn't exist tonight and i don't think i'm ever going to satisfy them. >>ultimately though despite the initial bounce her presidential campaign ran out of money and momentum a first in her political career yet her mother who passed in 2009 is still guiding her vision. >>i think my would mark the
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most there. we bring integrity. fairness and justice back into our democracy. >>and our team coverage continues tonight with more analysis catherine heenan host of inside bay area politics joins us once again alongside david mchugh in the political science jeras and i member of the state board of joining us and and miss he'll tell the one story for you cents for the vibe. i am campaign and the democratic heart without a doubt for the biden campaign and for the democratic party moving forward, it means victory i think that it strengthens. >>the for some to food. >>candidate joe biden and i
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think it he has selected a winner and i definitely know he has selected a fighter so he's got he's not he's surrounding himself is building a team of people that will slide to implement the platforms in the values. >>that many democrats are looking to see. >>all right all effect. >>well i think in some look he picked someone who was vetted who's qualified and this is a person who challenge him on the first debates and then was unable to take advantage of that her record is going to get a lot more scrutiny that's going to be important it sets up a really a battle of titans on that october vice presidential debate, the only vice presidential debate which will be held at the university of utah that will be a big moment, usually we think of vice presidential selections has not really matter in that much down ballot or with voters, but this is an important moment, this is a pivotal election. this is an election where democrats are finding their identity headed to the next generation thats
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what comma represents and for republicans they have to decide which way they're going to go obviously the decision and that's what voters in the independence of those that live in the suburbs that will be absolutely critical and here's a ticket moving forward where the whole nexus of the campaign changes in the midst of a pandemic another important component of this as democrats had their convention next week. >>all right and of my let me ask you a biden has said yes he is focusing more on a governing governing partner rather than somebody who will law change the campaign but what kind of a difference do you think she will make to the well, you know i think she is tough i think she's fearless we have witnessed her leadership here in california particularly in the bay area for years so we know that she >>resilient and when the even when the odds are against her when she was running for district attorney, the odds were against her she was trying to unseat a incumbent when she ran for attorney general the odds were against
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are running against a very formidable. >>and candidate so i believe that these are in elements that will make biden campaign stronger. and more resilient i 4 for the first time for me personally i'm feeling and energize an incredibly engaged and excited. when you have to meet was made by phone just exploded. twitter e-mails phone calls with just excitement. i think it's also important to note that we are on the eve of almost the one 100th anniversary of the women's suffrage movement the the 19th amendment is the amendment that women. earned and fought for in order to vote. so this is a very historical time as an african-american woman i see myself through calm a lot she's bringing need to the table she's hundreds of knowledge in the slaves in the ancestors anderson
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understanding the caste system in india that her mother rose above. this is such a pivotal and historic moment. i think it's been 232 years that a man has headed the ticket and now so the first time ever in united states history we have a man and a woman. up specifically a black just want to acknowledge that there are women's shoulders that kamala harris is standing on edge as they surged to accept the nomination of vice president in to move into his head of the ticket, so this is we're running low on time, i'm sorry to interrupt believe that. >>time for one quick question will be asked to david. and you touched on this biden is going to turn 78 soon he would be 82 if he runs for reelection. does this already suggest a passing of the torch. >>it does it is a pivot in some ways it is what comes next that impacts 2022 down
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ballot impacts california. what happens down ballot gavin newsom selects as the successor to kamala harris if she were to be successful and it also signals what happens in 20 24 so in that sense. it's the recreation of the obama biden coalition that's partly what's going on here and kamala harris has something to the ticket that wasn't there the ticket needed some verve and needed some inspiration kamala harris does that you couldn't get michelle obama you couldn't get oprah winfrey. so you go next and that's what commonly brings to this ticket and that will be shown off right away as soon the 2 of appear in public tomorrow for all of us to see all right professor, thank you so much and as cohen thank you for joining us and on sh
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>>there are more than 20 million cases of covid-19 around the world 5.1 million cases here in the u.s. and experts everywhere continue working on a vaccine. well now russia says that it has a vaccine calling it sputnik 5 that claim is raising concerns that russia may have cut essential corners in the vaccine development by not fully completed traditional clinical trial protocols and not really seen any data health experts here in the usa the goal is not to be the first with a vaccine but to have one that is safe and effective. still ahead at 5 distance-learning under way for students in oakland but
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>>it's cool typically serve as an orientation for parents and students and teachers in the oakland unified school district, however, of course this week's orientation involves distance learning and is happening against the backdrop of contract negotiations between the district and the teachers union kron four's has the idea and has more day one of distance learning is officially in the books for the oakland unified school district aside from navigating
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the new technology one of the major take away is for some teachers, some of the big take away from my colleagues were that whole group was insane at the high school level just because you're coming in with fresh man you don't know and there's so many of them. >>you don't have those relations status yet so there's extra. behaviors if you well in the beginning there was some technical issues with sound a key observation. ford and shows the 3rd the number of classmates online for his son's first class and to my dismay there were only. >>2 of the student center only 3 students total and i feel like the others so and so was in there they're being robbed of that really suit noted that takes place so i think that. >>actually would provide an opportunity for us to engage families and educators and find and students find out what is working on updating the ongoing contract negotiations many is not an issue it's really are sticking points right now are there
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streaking down semester which is a few months down 6 weeks another issue being able to use or retired our teacher substitutes no mandated schedules begin before 09:00am or after 2.15 best to give allows is for folks who are caregivers to and their parents or 6, 1, 4, children has it made you. >>kron 4 news is it'll eye strain was an issue before covid-19 and now it is an even bigger one with some children spending more time on their devices as they practice distance learning, headaches and double vision and sleep disruption or some short term side effects from too much screen time. experts say the 2020 20 rule can help after every 20 minutes of screen time look away from the screen at least 20 feet for 20 seconds. they say that will allow children to adapt their eyes to an environment with technology. that simulates more what. >>happens in a normal classroom or a normal office
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environment is here looking around you're taking a break not just locked in during lockdown on this screen. >>parents can help reduce screen time by setting timers taking breaks playing outside and modeling healthy behavior with their own devices. a lot of parents are scrambling to find safe places to send their students on school days for supervised the distance learning in alameda county daycare providers say they are now accepting school age children and not just infants and toddlers. well forcefully to go all explains. >>i love you should be some way to trick the other walls says her home business treaties family daycare in livermore has continued operating throughout the pandemic but over the year most of her family's stop showing up 59 per cent everything when out she typically cares for kids ranging between 6 months and 7 years old the age of her second grade son but late last year the state granted other wall and updated licensees
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approving an expansion of her business allowing up to a dozen kids to receive care at a time now she's reaching out to families with students up to 13 years old, i know with schools, closing down right now. >>it's next to impossible for parents to find the right place as president of the valley family child care association representing daycare centers throughout alameda county short he says she knows there's a desperate need for teenage supervision, she says families are just hesitant to leave their kids around others during the pandemic if parents just put a lot of trust in him. >>the providers and spending cuts back and they can have more effectively. >>then what they are doing great knowledge of lincoln jobs to get a treat he says temperature checks are mandatory for anyone entering the house kids 3 years of age and older are required to wear face coverings when they can't be 6 feet apart. >>and toys are cleaned regularly just a few of the steps he's taking to keep all of the young people healthy that she welcomes into her
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home in livermore phillipe djegal all kron 4 news. >>i'm how a blunder by take
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a look at this a mistake by president trump has boosted sales of this t-shirt sold by the national museum of american jewish history last week the president mispronounced the name of yosemite national park calling it though some might and not
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once but twice as it turns out the museum has been selling a t-shirt that reads yosemite's since 2011. it also shows 2 trees resembling the sukhoi is like the ones inside yosemite park. the museum says sales go up whenever yosemite is in the news that president trump's blunder sent the sales skyrocketing like never before and that wraps up kron 4 news tonight at 5 but our coverage continues at the top of the hour with kron four's ken wayne ahead as 6 joe biden selects california senator kamala harris as his running mate. >>our analysis continues on this hi want restaurants to open?
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and schools? want the economy to get back on track? you're not alone. and you can help make it happen. stay 6 feet apart. wash your hands. wear a mask every time you leave your home. choose to join the fight against covid-19.


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